Founder Coaching

Advance™ Founder Coaching is your ally and secret weapon, helping you to transform overwhelming obstacles into stepping stones for success and growth.

Why get a coach
as a Startup Founder?

As a founder, the responsibilities and challenges you face can feel immense and often isolating. This is where coaching comes in - helping you unravel unconscious patterns influencing your decisions so you can gain clarity and intentionally craft the outcomes you want.

Rather than simply advising from the outside, a coach meets you eye-to-eye, walking by your side as a trusted thought-partner. By exploring the subtle but essential dynamics within your organization, coaching elevates your leadership to bring your company to the true success that it holds.

By peeling back the layers of both your professional challenges and personal growth edges, coaching over time unleashes your innate brilliance. It provides a safe space to explore difficult decisions across all facets of your venture, from fundraising or hiring to product development or overall strategy.

Benefits of
founder coaching

Studies show coaching substantially reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue in founders. It also improves health, sleep quality and engagement while decreasing pressure. Coaching has been shown to strengthen self-awareness, emotional literacy and overall management skills.

Performance increases


of Founders believe that coaching delivers a very high ROI, estimated to range between 340-700%

Building skills


of Founders saw coaching as a way to boost organizational commitment across their companies

Strengthening teams


of Founders agreed that coaching reduced their stress levels significantly

Why Advance

Building a startup takes immense perseverance and grit. Like elite athletes, founders operate under extremely demanding conditions that few can withstand long-term without support. With Advance™, we aim to equip leaders with the tools and insight necessary to continually develop their clarity, drive and resilience. Our holistic approach supports founders to consistently perform at their intellectual, emotional and creative peak, allowing their boldest vision to come to life.


1 to 1 Coaching

One-on-one sessions allow for highly personalized coaching tailored to your strengths, development areas, and company goals. A thorough onboarding will define your longer term goals for the engagement with regular check-ins on progress.

  • Access to Advance Online course
  • Bi Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Ongoing WhatsApp, Email, and Phone Support

Co-Founder Coaching

For startups with multiple co-founders, this type of coaching provides both individual coaching sessions as well as group sessions with all Co-Founders. This improves team dynamics, alignment and strategic planning at the executive level.

  • Access to Advance Online course
  • Individual and joint sessions
  • Ongoing WhatsApp, Email, and Phone Support

Founder Circles

Circle groups are group coaching sessions among founders from different startups. Facilitated by an experienced coach, these sessions follow a light curriculum with teachings and discussions.

  • Access to Advance Online course
  • Weekly joint sessions
  • Ongoing WhatsApp, Email, and Phone Support


Body Boost

The entrepreneurial grind often sidelines personal health, leaving founders drained and verging on the edge of burn out. Enter Body Boost — an extensive, science-based solution to supercharge your energy, focus and overall health. Starting with a series of lab tests, we decode your body's unique needs and imbalances. The result? A tailored roadmap spanning nutrition, exercise, and supplementation.

  • Comprehensive Onboarding with Functional medicine MD
  • 360° Health check up via multiple lab tests
  • Ongoing support and sessions with MD to improve your health markers


Aymeric de Pontbriand,

Founder Scortex

"Sebastian has been instrumental in supporting me through the roller coaster of running a company. His thoughtful approach helps center the mind and focus on tactical methods to achieving both my short- and long-term goals."

Jared Schwartzentruber,


Tope Alabi,

Founder Afriex

"Sebastian has been instrumental in helping me think through a lot of founder and CEO level strategic decisions for the company and for myself. His background and experience as a founder has let him come from a point of experience that has been invaluable! Amazing coach”

Behailu Tekletsadik,


Johannes Jaeckle,

Founder Heron Data

"By engaging deeply with the fabric of my work relationships, Sebastian has been a reliable source of guidance in helping me manage and navigate interpersonal challenges at work. His knack for asking the right questions has consistently led to meaningful reflection, greater self-awareness, and development in my leadership style."

Alexander Sloan

Motion App

Julian Prokay

Founder TrueBuild

"Sebastian has been an invaluable resource for me as the CEO of Pastel. His expertise in navigating topics around improving founder dynamics, product, and business model has been instrumental in our success. On a personal level, his coaching has helped me improve my decision-making skills and become a more effective leader. I cannot recommend him highly enough!"

Abuzar Royesh


will help you

Effortlessly navigate

through business decisions, with newfound clarity and deep insight

Feel energized

radiate health and vitality, and perform at the peak of your game

Streamline focus

on your core strengths, confidently letting go of non-essentials


within a vibrant founder community, building deep, lasting connections

Break barriers

and consistently scale new heights, leaving growth plateaus in the dust

Collaborate harmoniusly

with your team, turning conflicts into growth opportunities


Coaching Format

All of our coaching engagements are month to month and the investment varies based on the format you choose. Next to our sessions, we offer unlimited support via Email, text, and voice message, ensuring we are there when you need us most.


The entrepreneurs and leaders who achieve transformational growth with Advance share a few key qualities:

Courageous self-reflection:

They bring a willingness to look deeply within and understand how their mindset impacts results.

Ownership of their journey:

They take responsibility for crafting the experience they desire, and demonstrate initiative to drive positive change.

Honest and vulnerable communication:

They are open to discuss challenges with humility, seeking to shed light on obstacles rather than sticking to false perceptions.

Relentless curiosity:

They approach every discussion with curiosity, empathy and flexibility. They listen to understand diverse viewpoints, embrace feedback as an opportunity to evolve, and strive to think beyond limits.

Investment in long-term development:

They recognize that mastery is a continuous process, and engage coaching as an invaluable investment in their long-term capacity to lead with wisdom, care and impact.

Let’s get to
know each other

Frequently asked questions

Who can benefit from Coaching?

Our coaching is tailored to founders of startup companies who seek to grow their businesses, develop personal leadership skills, and maintain their health under pressure.

How do I join Advance Coaching?

Interested founders can set up a discovery call through our website. The application process includes a brief questionnaire about your startup and goals, followed by a consultation call to ensure our program aligns with your needs.

What results can I expect from coaching?

Coaching addresses the areas of your work / life that you want to improve. Whether that is in specific aspects of leadership skills, having more clarity and confidence in your business positioning and strategy, resolving conflicts with your Co-Founder or experiencing enhanced personal health – coaching will identify and strengthen your unique areas for growth.

What is the cost of Advance Coaching?

Pricing depends on your individual needs. Please book a Discovery call to find out more.